Covid-19 Declaration, Agreement and Waiver

Curling Canada, ACF – Alberta Curling Federation (Curling Alberta) and the Airdrie Curling Club (collectively the “Organization”) require the disclosure of exposure to COVID-19 or illness in order to safeguard the health and safety of all participants and to limit the further outbreak of COVID-19. This Declaration, Agreement and Waiver (“Agreement”) must be completed by anyone wishing to enter the Organization’s facilities or participate in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services in order to safeguard the health and safety of all participants and limit the further outbreak of COVID-19. This Agreement will be stored securely, and personal information will not be disclosed unless as required by law or with your consent.

The Organization appreciates and expects your cooperation to allow the Organization to open the facility to curl. The Organization is permitting play based on the assurances individuals make to the Organization and to each other in this Agreement. As you should be aware, the virus can be transmitted by asymptomatic people and accordingly the statements made by individuals contained in this document cannot provide certainty that the virus will not be transmitted. The Organization is taking reasonable steps to impose and enforce appropriate protocols to keep individuals safe, but there can be no assurance that the virus will not be contracted by players. This is a risk that each individual must assess themselves, and if they choose to play, to take the risk of either contracting the virus or transmitting it to others.


An individual (or the individual’s parent/guardian, if the individual is younger than the age of majority) who is unable to agree to the terms outlined in this Agreement is not permitted to enter the Organization’s facilities or participate in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services.

I, the undersigned being the individual named below and the individual’s parent/guardian (if the individual is younger than the age of majority), hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Agreement; both at the time of Agreement and each and every time I enter the Organization’s facilities or participate in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services:

  1. The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization and COVID-19 is extremely contagious. The Organization has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and requires all individuals (or their parent/guardian, when the individual is under the age of majority) to adhere to the compliance standards described in this Agreement.
  2. The individual is attending or participating voluntarily and understands the risks associated with COVID-19. The individual (or the individual’s parent/guardian, on behalf of the individual (when the individual is under the age of majority) agrees to assume those risks, including but not limited to exposure and being infected by COVID-19.
  3. When at the Organization’s facilities or participating in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services, the individual shall follow recommended guidelines, including but not limited to, practicing physical distancing, trying to maintain separation of six feet from others, adhering to recognized hygiene best practices, and otherwise limiting exposure to COVID-19.
  4. The individual will at all times when at the Organization’s facilities or participating in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services, follow the safety, physical distancing, and hygiene protocols of the Organization.
  5. The individual will review the Alberta Health Daily Checklist prior to entry at the Organization’s facilities or prior to participating in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services, and will not enter the Organization’s facilities or participate in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services if the checklist requires the individual to not attend or participate in an activity or program.
  6. This document will remain in effect until the Organization, per the direction of the provincial government and provincial health officials, determines that the declarations, agreements, terms and conditions in this Agreement are no longer required.
  7. The Organization may remove the individual from the facility or from participation in the activities, programs or services of the Organization at any time and for any reason if the Organization believes, in its sole discretion, that the individual is no longer in compliance with any of the standards described in this document.
  8. The individual, (or the individual’s parent/guardian, on behalf of the individual (when the individual is under the age of majority)) hereby releases the Organization, its respective directors, officers and staff from any and all claims that the individual has or may have in the future for: a) any loss or damage the individual may suffer due to contracting COVID-19, including sickness or death, as a result of attending or using the Organization’s facility or participating in the Organization’s activities, programs, or services; and b) any suspension or other discipline imposed on the individual by the Organization resulting from the individual’s breach of their obligations under this Agreement.